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Belgian Affiliate la Centrale Generale FGTB Holds Congress

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17 July, 2005

ICEM Belgian affiliate la Centrale Générale FGTB held its Congress in Blankenberge 17-20 November with a theme entitled “Delegates Without Borders for More Social Justice.” The theme was a call to union activists to go beyond the “borders” of enterprises and conduct union work on international and European levels. The Congress debated global and European issues with emphasis on creating trade union networks. The Congress also marked the retirement of five members of FGTB’s Federal Secretariat with Alain Clauwaert elected new President and Jacques Michiels as General Secretary. Other members of the Secretariat include Werner Van Heetvelde, Paul Lootens, Rik Desmet, Bruno Bachely, Herman Baele and Eric Neuprez.