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Argentine Petroleum, Gas Workers’ Host ICEM’s Latin, Caribbean Region Meet

10 April, 2011

Eighty delegates from eight Latin American and Caribbean countries attended the ICEM’s region meeting 4-5 April in Mar del Plata that was marvellously hosted by Federación Argentina Sindical del Petróleo, Gas y Biocombustibles (FASPyGP) at the trade union’s hotel.

The regional meeting produced three resolutions, including condolences to Japan over human deaths brought by the earthquake/tsunami and heartfelt appreciation to aid workers, especially nuclear workers of ICEM affiliate Denryoku Soren, who have worked non-stop to prevent mass disaster at the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

Another resolution was in support of Chile copper miners represented by Sindicato de los Trabajadores de Collahuasi over persecution following a recent strike by Doña Ines de Collahuasi, owned by Xstrata and AngloAmerican. The third was a statement buttressing the legitimate trade unions of Mexico in their current fight to repel regressive labour legislation.

ICEM Latin American/Caribbean Vice President Sergio Novais proudly reported the work plan of the region and that it had exceeded expectations. He also detailed the eight projects he is overseeing in the region. ICEM General Secretary Manfred Warda gave a progress report on integration with the International Textile, Garment, and Leather Workers’ Federation (ITGLWF) and the International Metalworkers’ Federation (IMF), and IMF Regional Representative Jorge Alemida explained how the industrial sectors would be integrated.

ICEM Latin American/Caribbean Vice President Sergio Novais

Other reports were given by Colombia trade union affiliates, including Unión Sindical Obrera (USO), and Manuel Muñoz and Lincon Esponoza, representing the Collahuasi copper miners of northern Chile, told of their strike and their efforts to ratify ILO Convention 176, the Safety and Health in Mines Convention, in the South American country.

A detailed report was given by Secretary-General Alberto Roberti of FASPyGP on the burgeoning biofuels industry in Argentina. He said his union is in the forefront in defending the environment and emphasized the need to maintain a balance between producing biofuels and sustained food production to meet the country’s growing needs.

Overall, the regional meeting proved a good prelude to ICEM’s Fifth Statutory Congress, to be held 24-26 November 2011 in Buenos Aires, with the host union providing excellent example to Argentine unions in how to meet the logistics for 1,200 delegates and guests expected to attend.