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AngloGold signs Global Agreement: First in Mining Sector, Africa

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12 August, 2005ICEM News release No. 36/2002

In a historic first for the global mining industry, the world's leading gold producer, AngloGold and the 20-million strong international trade union federation, ICEM signed an agreement on the promotion and implementation of good human and industrial relations. The agreement, applicable to all Anglogold mines worldwide, was signed at the company's Johannesburg headquarters today.

At the signature of the Global Agreement, from left to right:
AngloGold's CEO Bobby Godsell, ICEM's General Secretary Fred Higgs
and NUM's General Secretary Gwede Mantashe.

The key theme underlining the agreement is the "development and sustainability of the gold mining industry worldwide" and in upholding and implementing "good human resources and industrial relations practices". The promotion and respect for human and trade union rights, health and safety, environmental protection and the promotion of good relationships with local mine communities are pivotal to the agreement.


The agreement was signed by AngloGold CEO, Bobby Godsell, Fred Higgs, General Secretary of the ICEM) and Senzeni Zokwana, President of the ICEM's South African-based affiliate, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), which facilitated the negotiations leading to agreement.

Human and trade union rights, safety and training provisions of the new global agreement are specifically linked to the international standards set by the Conventions of the UN's International Labour Organisation (ILO, commonly referred to as the ILO core labour standards. The linkage to ILO standards is an important yardstick. It also ensures that the agreement is fully compatible with the UN's Global Compact initiative and will help to give further substance to the agreement.

"This is a major breakthrough for Africa and a giant step forward for the global mining industry. It acknowledges the importance of social dimensions of sustainable development, hot on the heels of the UN World Summit held only a few days ago in Johannesburg", said ICEM General Secretary Fred Higgs.

AngloGold has mining operations in Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Mali, Namibia, Tanzania, USA, Zimbabwe and of course South Africa. "It ensures that ICEM-affiliated unions are fully recognised in the company's operations worldwide, and gives them a proper say implementing industrial relations best practice.

"I congratulate both our South African affiliate, the NUM and AngloGold management for their far-sightedness and providing leadership by example for the rest of the industry," Higgs added. "We already have global agreements with the energy multinationals Statoil, Endesa, paper giant Norske Skog and the materials multinational Freudenberg. Others are currently under discussion. Globally mining is dominated by a few powerful multinationals. In their own interests, as well as those of their workers, we urge them to follow the example set by the South Africans."