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Action Plan - ICEM World Conference for the Energy Industries

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26 October, 2010

  • Emphasis to remain on Sustainability and Just Transition work in cooperation with IMF and ITGLWF to ensure that the voice and views of Energy Industry workers continues to be heard in both intergovernmental discussions as well as in the formulation of general trade union policies on these issues. In cooperation with IMF and ITGLWF, ICEM will continue to emphasize the need for social, environmental, and economic sustainability in all energy industries including a "fair, ambitious and binding" agreement on global GHG emissions, accompanied by industrial policies that render existing industrial jobs more sustainable; create new, decent, sustainable industrial jobs; and ensure a Just Transition.
  • Promotion of democratic energy policies
  • Focus on the changing energy mix (coal, oil, gas, nuclear, hydro, biofuels, solar, wind, etc.) at national and international levels.
  • Solidarity and dialog between unions of exporting and importing countries of energy must be increased. Equally we need to strengthen cooperation at industrial and company level between energy producers and consumers as part of the process of building new international trade union structures for manufacturing industries.
  • Expanding contacts and joint work between coal and uranium miners with the Energy Industries section
  • Continued work on Global Framework Agreements aimed at both increasing the number of agreements and ensuring that the agreements we have are monitored and implemented more effectively.
  • Continued support to the ICEM-INWUN Network of nuclear workers including its focus on the full nuclear “chain” from uranium mining to power generation and other uses such as medical isotopes.
  • An increased focus on industrial networks at a regional and sub-regional level including Energy Industry-wide forums as well as individual oil, gas electric power and nuclear networks as deemed necessary and useful. Such work must be expanded in both Africa and Latin America.
  • Support for Contract & Agency Labor expanded campaign
  • Continued support to the ICEM-ITF Oil and Gas Workers Alliance aimed at both continuing and expanding work with the relevant Iraqi trade unions and extending the work to other countries and regions.
  • ICEM to collect and analyze information on refinery expansions and cutbacks as well as refinery construction and closures globally with a view to a future campaign to ensure that any relocation that may be taking place is not to take advantage of reduced environmental and health and safety controls and legislation. In particular a study of refinery accidents causing serious injury or deaths needs to be carried out that also considers the impact of refinery age and use of contract or agency labour.
  • Concentrate on women workers in the Energy Industries
  • Focus on making work in the Energy Industries more attractive as a career choice for young people
  • Mounting effective campaigns in support of affiliated trade unions faced with attacks by governments and employers. Iraq, Colombia and Mexico identified as immediate high priority countries for this work.
  • Coordinating Global support and solidarity in organising drives in the energy sector and supporting other struggles by our affiliated trade unions against governments and employers.