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26 June: Day of Action Against Iran

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25 June, 2009

The ICEM calls serious attention to activities on Friday, 26 June, as Day of Action against the Islamic Republic of Iran for the repressive and tyrannical means it uses to suppress the people of Iran. Specifically, ICEM stands with the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Global Union Federations (GUFs), and Amnesty International in denouncing the illegal arrests of trade union leaders and others in Iran.

As witnessed by the regime’s conduct before and after the sham 12 June elections, global pressure must be steadfast against Iran’s ruling zealots who commit untold human rights violations. The ICEM stands with the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), the International Union of Food and Agricultural Workers (IUF), and Education International (EI), as they call for this Day of Action together with the ITUC and Amnesty International.

These GUFs have worked tirelessly to end trade union rights abuses in specific cases in Iran. More details on 26 June Day of Action, and on specific cases can be found at www.justiceforiranianworkers.org.

In brief, the ITF champions the cases of Mansour Osanloo and Ebrahim Madadi, leaders of the Syndicate of Workers’ of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, who are serving unjust jail terms. The IUF has sharply criticised the one-year jail terms of five union leaders and forced dissolution of their union, Haft Tapeh Sugar Workers’ Union, and EI has taken up the case of Farzad Kamangar, who was handed a death sentence last year.

He is a leader of the banned Iranian Teachers’ Trade Association, an affiliate of EI, and has been convicted of “endangering national security” for his advocacy of teachers’ unions. The 26 June Day of Action also is aimed at freeing four activists who remain locked up from a 1 May manifestation at Laleh Park in Tehran. There, secret police violently attacked peaceful workers celebrating May Day, arresting between 100 and 150.

Demonstrations tomorrow (26 June) will occur at Iranian embassies and missions include Belgium, France, Netherlands, Switzerland Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Nigeria, the UK, and in several other countries. The ICEM encourages trade unionists and others to take part.

“ICEM is in full support and will assist in every effort to free trade unionists and others who have been locked up because they dared to exercise free speech or free association in Iran,” said General Secretary Manfred Warda. “This brutal regime cannot be allowed immunity in its continuing escalation of human rights violations.”