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Working group develops proposals on labour protection

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3 May, 2023As part of IndustriALL's days of action the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regional office held a health and safety workshop with three Armenian affiliates, celebrating 28 April which is International Workers' Memorial Day.

Participants noted that a big issue for workers and trade unions is the lack of mandatory evidence of safe workplaces. Employers' investments in occupational health and safety and the level of remuneration depend on the results of certification. Currently, certification is carried out regularly only at large industrial enterprises. Since this is a costly undertaking, employers at many small medium enterprises try to shy away from extra costs. 

Vadim Borisov, IndustriALL regional secretary said 

“Armenia has not ratified ILO Conventions 155 and 187 on Occupational Safety and Health and the Industrial Sphere. The legislation of Armenia in the field of labour protection is not tied to international norms or standards.”

Trade unions also noted the low level of social dialogue and the absence of social partnership due to the lack of employers' associations both at the sectoral and national levels.

“We do not have a social partner in the employer. We have no one to negotiate with in the formally existing trilateral commission,” 

said Yelen Manaseryan, chair of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Armenia. 

A draft of a new labour code is being prepared for parliamentary readings. For the first time in the post-Soviet period, the trade unions of Armenia took part in active discussion, and the final draft includes 120 amendments received from the trade unions. 

Trade unions created a working group, which included two experts from each trade union. Among the tasks facing the working group is the development of proposals for employers and government agencies on labour protection issues. The first task of the group was to develop recommendations and write a draft attestation of workplaces. 

“The day after the seminar, the leaders of trade unions met with the head of the state labour inspectorate of Armenia and we agreed to hold quarterly meetings to address topical issues in the field of labour protection,”

 said Eduard Pahlevanyan, chairman of the trade union of metallurgists and jewelry industry workers.

On 1 May, trade unions organized street actions including trade union lawyers working in the main square of the city, who gave advice to people on labour issues.