4 April, 202324 April marks the 10th anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh, an industrial homicide that killed more than 1,100 people and injured many more. The tragedy served as a turning point for the textile and garment industry as out of the rubble, the Bangladesh Accord was created. Unions were able to turn tragedy into a historic agreement to make garment factories safer.
The legally binding agreement has transformed factory safety in Bangladesh’ garment industry, given workers the right to refuse unsafe work, saved lives, supported freedom of association and increased collective bargaining.
But the work for safe garment factories continues. More brands need to join the Accord, especially in North America, to gain the leverage we need to make this a truly global Accord.
Towards the end of last year, the Accord was extended to Pakistan. To date, 45 brands have signed the Pakistan Accord.
Workers who produce the clothes that we wear deserve a workplace that provides them with a living wage and decent working conditions, not a workplace and threatens to take their lives. Help us expand the Accord even further, and save lives.
Safe factories for garment workers still need to be fought for. For the anniversary of Rana Plaza, please join us on social media in the fight for safe factories and to support the demand for a global agreement on factory safety.
- Download the attached poster, take a photo, post on social media tagging IndustriALL Global Union on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram: @industriALL_gu
- Please use the hashtags: #GarmentWorkersNeedUnions, #GarmentWorkersNeedSafeFactories #RPNeverAgain

Garment workers, Bangladesh, March 2023