2 August, 2017We would like to improve our website so that it serves you better. Please take the survey and tell us how we can make things better.
At IndustriALL Global Union, we strive to provide a voice for 50 million workers in the mining, manufacturing and energy sectors.
We publish news stories about the daily struggles and victories of our affiliated unions around the world, as they defend their members' rights. We promote campaigns, celebrate wins, and publish in depth information on crucial disputes and developments in international industrial relations.
Workers' voices are not adequately represented in the media, and we take the role of raising the profile of our affiliates seriously.
We would like to ask you to help us to improve.
Please take our website survey.
We want to know who you are: are an official from an affiliate, an interested trade unionist, or a business journalist following labour relations at a company?
Do we have the content mix right? What would you like to see more or less of?
How can we improve the design and layout?
The survey is anonymous. Please feel free to tell us what you think.