Demanding justice at Pasta de Conchos14 июля, 2009International trade union leaders demand justice for the widows of Pasta de Conchos.
Sit-in strike intensifies as police surround Ssangyong Motor21 июля, 2009International labour community urges Korean government to call off riot police and water cannons immediately and to stop using violence to resolve industrial disputes.
SUPPORT STRIKING WORKERS at TOSHIBA INDONESIA22 июля, 2009The situation for some 700 workers on strike at Toshiba Indonesia grows worse each day, but together we can win this fight for basic labour rights and working conditions at Toshiba locations worldwide. The International Metalworkers' Federation and the 25 million metalworkers we represent joins Toshiba Indonesia workers on strike in demanding that the company negotiate in good faith with FSPMI, pay all wages owed workers since April, restore health care coverage for workers on strike and reinstate all fired workers without sanction.
ThyssenKrupp execs on trial for murder1 декабря, 2008Six executives from the Italian unit of German steel maker ThyssenKrupp were indicted on charges ranging from manslaughter to murder for their involvement in the December 2007 steel plant fire that killed seven workers.
Illegal arrest of Mexican mining union leaders5 декабря, 2008Juan Linares Montufar and Carlos Pavon Campos have been arrested but no reason has been given for their arrest.
Toyota Philippines: Reinstate them NOW5 мая, 2009Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation, the target of a global campaign, is refusing to reinstate 136 illegally dismissed workers, despite Supreme Court and International Labour Organisation (ILO) rulings in the workers' favour.
Rights abuses escalate at Toshiba Indonesia6 мая, 2009Workers on strike for recognition of their collective bargaining agreement face police attacks and mass terminations.
African Affiliates Encouraged To Take Up Capacity Support Offer From UNITE26 марта, 2010The Africa Regional Office of the IMF would like to welcome Kettie Tembo, International Development Project Coordinator for UNITE, the largest UK trade union. Kettie will be working out of the regional office implementing the capacity building project for trade unions in Southern Africa.
ILO confirms allegations of rights violations in Zimbabwe30 марта, 2010The International Labour Organization's special Commission of Inquiry presents report on Zimbabwean government violations of fundamental rights.