Vale elected as the most evil company 201231 января, 2012Almost 90,000 people participated in the online Public Eye awards for the worst company 2012. The People's award went to Vale with 25,042 votes and British Barclays received the jury prize.
IMF Executive takes further steps to new global union7 декабря, 2011The IMF Executive Committee met in Jakarta on December 6, one day prior to the Central Committee, to discuss IMF's position on the political goals and statutes of the new global union organization to be established in June 2012.
Gerdau Workers' World Council meets8 декабря, 2011November 23-25 the Gerdau Workers' World Council met in Paipa, Colombia. The Council approved an action plan for 2011-2012 that will be distributed shortly to all unions belonging to the Council.
Philippine unions tackle labour issues together8 декабря, 2011IMF affiliate Metal Workers Alliance of the Philippines (MWAP) and the Philippine Metalworkers Alliance (PMA), presented a united front to their Department of Labour and Employment (DOLE). A commitment to engage in joint actions was made by both unions at the IMF National Leadership Workshop for the first time.
Organising informal workers in Tanzania12 декабря, 2011TUICO has taken up the challenge to organise workers in the informal sector.
IMF welcomes Herman Ntlatleng to the Africa Regional Office12 декабря, 2011Herman Ntlatleng will start in January 2012 as IMF's Regional Officer.
NEWU joins the ZCTU in commemorating World AIDS Day and Human Rights Day12 декабря, 2011The National Engineering Workers Union of Zimbabwe (NEWU) joined the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) in commemorating the World Aids Day under the theme "Getting to Zero" under which the ZCTU and its affiliated trade union's commit to working towards eradicating the HIV pandemic. At the same time ZCTU also commemorated Human Rights Day.
Global Unions highlight WTO failure and propose remedies14 декабря, 2011In a statement in the run-up to the 8th Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, December 15-17, The Global Unions make a joint statement criticizing the WTO for failing to address fundamental problems, and propose remedies.
Italian unions demand fairness14 декабря, 2011The Italian trade union confederations CGIL, CISL and UIL unanimously demand changes in the Monti government's plans for fiscal cuts of 30 billion Euro, to assure fairness. After a resultless meeting with the government the Italian unions called for a week of general strikes starting December 12.
Six years campaigning for justice for the Pasta de Conchos tragedy21 февраля, 2012February 19 saw the start of a week of action in defence of freedom of association in Mexico. A ceremony in the main square of Mexico City commemorated the 65 miners who died in the collapse of the Pasta de Conchos mine on that date.