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Showing 4671-4680 из 6755 results

Ford announces job cuts in Australia

27 июля, 2007As many as 600 workers will be out of work at one of the oldest Ford facilities in Australia by 2010, further 3,500 other jobs will also be lost.

IMF asks Gerdau to recognise trade union rights in Peru

11 сентября, 2007IMF commends Gerdau for raising funds for people affected by the recent earthquake in Peru, but calls on the company to also stop the anti-trade union practices it adopts in Peru and Colombia.

Siemens workers strike in Prague

22 августа, 2008Workers demand better deal, following the announced closure of Siemens Prague facility.

Job insecurity in the UK

27 августа, 2008More than three million workers in the United Kingdom are not confident that they will be in their job in a year's time.

"Indonesian workers are not slaves"

27 августа, 200810,000 union members in the streets of Jakarta, Indonesia kick off latest round of IMF campaign actions against precarious work.


4 сентября, 2008Already challenged by restructuring in an increasingly global market, metalworkers face additional problems when private equity firms use leveraged buyouts to make quick and excessive profits, often at the expense of workers.

New labour laws reduce rights in Macedonia

16 сентября, 2008Labour laws adopted without consultation will reduce conditions and workers' rights in Macedonia.

Arrests of Korean trade unionists continue

23 сентября, 2008Following a wave of strikes, the South Korean government has unleashed a massive attack against the Korean Metal Workers' Union targeting more than 75 of the union's key leaders for arrest or investigation.

USW agreement reached with U.S. Steel

20 сентября, 2008New four-year contract provides wage and pension increases and improved health care benefits for 16,000 members of the United Steelworkers.

Wave of strikes and agreements in the Brazilian auto industry

3 октября, 2008Workers at major auto industry plants in Brazil went on strike during September in support of their demands for improved pay.

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