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Showing 4511-4520 из 6755 results

Deal reached at Bridgestone/Firestone

4 сентября, 2000The IMF-affiliated USWA negotiates agreement with tire company and averts strike.

Italian metalworkers abducted in Colombia

21 сентября, 2000The IMF is advising its affiliates of the high risks of going to Colombia.

Would-be demonstrators refused entry

21 сентября, 2000Czech border police turn back youngsters planning to participate in anti-globalisation march in Prague.

Getting TNCs to accept basic trade union rights

28 сентября, 2000In his most recent opinion column, the IMF general secretary comments on the UN's initiative for social dialogue and asks some questions.

Major meeting for aluminium

5 октября, 2000The United Steelworkers of America is organising a conference of unions representing workers in Alcoa, Kaiser, Pechiney, Alcan and Noranda operations.

Malaysian workers stage picket

9 октября, 2000The MTUC, with the full support of its affiliates, organises protest regarding long delays for settling industrial disputes.

Aluminium conference postponed

15 октября, 2000Steelworkers will reschedule meeting in the early part of 2001.

Workers at Molson<br>accept new contract

13 декабря, 1999CAW boycott campaign and plant occupation have been called off.

Bulgarian union refused<br>access to plant

15 декабря, 1999The current situation at the VMZ company of unpaid wages and employment insecurity is leading to increasing social tension which could easily result in civil protests.

Renew labour contacts

15 декабря, 1999The International Metalworkers' Federation and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions have sent a joint open letter to the Socialist International.

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