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CWA strike at Verizon ends in USA

23 августа, 2011IMF-affiliated Communications Workers of America (CWA), and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), reached agreement with Verizon on August 20 on how bargaining will proceed and how it will be restructured.

Safety Conditions in Vinton Steel need rapid improvements

29 августа, 2011A small group of experts from the ArcelorMittal Joint Global Health and Safety Committee visited the Vinton Steel Works in El Paso, Texas. The group, made up of representatives from the European Metalworkers' Federation, United Steelworkers and International Metalworkers' Federation found that although some examples of best practice existed, in the main safety conditions in the plant were below standard and need urgent attention.

Stop Work Card proves its value at ArcelorMittal

29 августа, 2011Producing steel is a dangerous task at the best of times. When workers are faced with intense heat during ten months of the year problems become even greater. Despite this fact the safety performance at the ArcelorMittal LaPlace Steel Plant in New Orleans, USA is steadily improving, as discovered by a visiting group of experts from the ArcelorMittal Joint Global Health and Safety Committee.

September 21st protest planned should government not commit to reforms

7 сентября, 2011Civil society organisations in Malawi want to see government action on demands that can be addressed immediately, as a show of commitment to reform otherwise they will go ahead with a planned protest on September 21st. There is growing impatience that little progress has been made by government to address demands despite the UN facilitated dialogue, for which civil society cancelled protest actions planned for August 17th.

Fujitsu workers take joint action in UK

15 сентября, 2011Fujitsu workers launch a 24 hour strike in Manchester and Crewe over pay disputes and discrimination against a union representative.

Honda union continues struggle in Mexico

22 сентября, 2011Early September, Honda workers in Mexico obtained legal recognition to register STUHM (Sindicato de Trabajadores Unidos de la Honda de Mexico) as their union. The company opposes the organization and prefers the protection union that has blocked independent unions at the Honda site in Jalisco, Mexico for 26 years. Honda workers now denounce the company's continued repression and intimidation against the union and the workers wanting to join.

Mexican electricians win show-down but continue fight

22 сентября, 2011After 23 months of resistance, the Mexican Electricians' union SME, that staged for over 7 months a protest camp at the central plaza in Mexico City, the "Zocalo", won it's show-down with the government of Calderon in the run-up to Mexico's Independence day, September 16, Mexico's most important national holiday.

Leukemia linked to semiconductor production

24 июня, 2011In a landmark court ruling, cancer among workers in the semiconductor industry is considered for the first time to be an occupational disease.

IMF-ICEM-ITGLWF merger discussed at AMLC in Korea

27 июня, 2011Metalworkers from Asia and the Pacific countries met in Seoul to discuss the IMF-ICEM-ITGLWF merger, share their experience on building union networks as well as organizing drive as the main priority for the unions of the region.

Fiat and Chrysler unions push for global agreement

24 июня, 2011Union representatives in the newly merged Fiat and Chrysler auto company and Fiat Industrial met in Turin, Italy, to create a global union network in the car giant and push for an International Framework Agreement.

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