21 December, 2015IndustriALL has been reaching out to investors to engage Rio Tinto in limiting precarious work and improving the working conditions of precarious workers.
In October 2015, leaders of the unions of Rio Tinto Global Union Network demanded the company to limit precarious work and improve the working conditions of its precarious workers. Rio Tinto appears to be increasingly using precarious labour around the world, a threat to workers, their unions and communities. Unions have attempted to raise this issue with the company, but Rio Tinto’s response has been inadequate. Therefore IndustriALL has been reaching investors, highlighting the risks associated with Rio Tinto’s abusive use of precarious workers.
IndustriALL is notably highlighting the greater incidence of health and safety problems among contract employees than among direct employees at Rio Tinto. IndustriALL brings also to investors’ attention the disturbing number of fatalities at Rio Tinto operations. In 2015 only, Rio Tinto has had seven fatalities. At least three of the dead workers were precariously employed.
IndustriALL is asking the investors to engage the company by seeking notably from Rio Tinto: a change in practice to ensure that Rio Tinto’s contractors have their rights respected and; a better control by Rio Tinto of how contractors implement health and safety standards that the company has committed to.
A full text of the Investor Briefing is available on the link.