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Mexico to host the World Social Forum: “Another world is possible”

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25 April, 2022A new edition of the World Social Forum will be held in Mexico from 1 to 6 May. The event will provide movements, organizations and trade unions affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union with a strategic space for coming together and taking joint action.

The 14th edition of the World Social Forum, “Another world is possible”, will be a hybrid event, combining in-person and online activities. The overarching aim is to foster dialogue processes capable of boosting alliances, projects and initiatives at national and international level.

The forum will provide participants with an opportunity to articulate their visions and formulate common global agendas. They will also work on developing strategies capable of addressing the major structural problems they are confronted with in their respective countries.

An international Facilitating Group made up of over 100 organizations has been meeting online, on a weekly basis, since February, to coordinate the event, and will continue to do so until the start of the forum in May. The aim is to facilitate a horizontal and decentralised meeting, with hundreds of activities and self-organised action initiatives.

Some of the central themes are:

•    Democracy, political participation and critical global citizenship building
•    Emancipatory economies, work and workers, the struggle against the debt system and socioeconomic justice
•    Defending life and territories in the face of the global crisis of civilisation and ecocide, occupation and dispossession, agroecology, the right to the city, health and climate justice
•    Original, indigenous, ancestral, black, Afro-descendant and diaspora peoples, self-determination and the fight against racism
•    Peacebuilding, disarmament and strategies to deal with war, structural violence and migration.

Activities will be organised on specific issues linked to the central themes, such as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and its impact on workers or environmental and workplace disasters such as Brumadinho, in Brazil, or Pasta de Conchos, in Mexico, and labour rights violations by mining companies.

Sessions will also be held on the energy transition, sustainable development, sustainable industrial policies and the challenges faced by women in the context of precarious work, issues which are among the strategic priorities set out in IndustriALL’s 2021-2025 action plan.

IndustriALL’s regional secretary, Marino Vani, said:

"We invite all affiliates, union leaders and workers to take part. It is crucial that trade unions participate in the debates and contribute to the political articulation of our agenda and the challenges of the working class. Another world is possible if we succeed in taking part, in being agents of change and coordinating dreams, projects and alternatives. We have to build the power and the will of the people to fight together for the world we dream of."