30 July, 2015IndustriALL Global Union affiliates in Singapore formed a national council on 20 July 2015, under the theme of unity.
The activity was attended by more than 100 delegates from IndustriALL affiliates in Singapore.
The inauguration ceremony had participation from Brother Heng Chee How, Deputy General Secretary of the Singapore National Trade Union Congress, Bro. Koichi Asanuma, General Secretary of Japanese Confederation of Metalworkers and Noriyuki Suzuki, Regional Secretary of International Trade union Confederation. IndustriALL was represented by Annie Adviento, Regional Secretary for South-East Asia and Pacific.
The theme of the inauguration was unity and working together for the better life of the workers in Singapore, and supporting the goals of IndustriALL Global Union.
Bro. Cyrille Tan of the United Workers of Electronic and Electrical Industries was elected President of the Council. Jessie Yeo from the Metal Industries Workers Union was elected General Secretary. The leaders of other affiliates were elected Vice-Presidents and Deputy General Secretary.
Said Bro. Cyrille: “I am very happy that we have finally come to this occasion of inaugurating the IndustriALL Singapore Council. Thank you for the cooperation of our affiliates. Let us now move forward and work to improve the life of the Singapore workers. Let us contribute to the achievement of IndustriALL Global Union.”
IndustriALL Global Union general secretary Raina’s solidarity message was read to the meeting:
I am particularly pleased to learn that the focus of your inauguration will be to strive for unity in the aerospace, iron and steel, chemicals, electrical and electronics, shipbuilding sectors and to endeavor to expand the membership of IndustriALL in Singapore from other sectors under the National Trade Union Congress.
Let me also give recognition to the cooperation amongst our affiliates leading to the formation of the IndustriALL Singapore Council. This is a great contribution to the goal of IndustriALL of building united, strong and self-sustaining unions.