10 June, 2021Indonesian women workers have successfully convinced the government to establish an additional 10 to 15 protection houses for women workers in key industrial zones.
At the protection houses, which are established on company premises or in industrial zones, women workers can report gender-based violence, discrimination and non-compliance with maternity protection. Government agencies provide physical, mental and rehabilitation support.
Since the Indonesian Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection enacted regulation No. 1 Year 2020 concerning preparation of protection houses for women workers at workplaces, the women’s committee of IndustriALL Global Union’s Indonesia Council have actively engaged the ministry to set up more protection houses for manufacturing workers.

In a meeting with the deputy assistant of the Women Workers’ Protection Department, Rafail Walangitan, in Jakarta on 27 May 2021, the government official welcomed the proposal of the women’s committee and expressed willingness to coordinate the setting up of the protection houses in industrial zones identified by the women’s committee.
The ministry committed to invite employers and local government officials to a dialogue to start the process. Currently, the ministry has established six protection houses in the Cilegon, Karawang, Pasuruan, Bintan, and Cakung industrial zones.
The women’s committee chairperson Suzana Purba says:
“The women's committee is spearheading the establishment of women workers’ protection houses. We hope all parties, be it the government, employers and trade unions, to work hand in hand to end violence and harassment in the world of work and realize maternity protection.”
IndustriALL regional secretary for South East Asia Annie Adviento says:
“I commend the great effort of the women’s committee for initiating the process of setting up of the women workers’ protection houses in their workplaces. IndustriALL will provide support to eliminate violence and harassment at work and campaign for ratification of ILO Convention 190.”