25 May, 2012ENGIE, the world’s second largest gas, water services, and electric utility, IndustriALL, the Building and Woodworkers International (BWI), and Public Services International (PSI) are committed to the “Global Agreement on Fundamental Rights, Social Dialogue, and Sustainable Development”. The agreement contains best practice language on trade union rights.

About the agreement
- Original agreement signed: 16 November 2010
- Health and Safety Agreement signed 22 May 2014
- Renewed 20 January 2022
- Other signatories: representative French trade unions CFDT, CFE-CGC, CGT and FO. Global unions BWI and PSI
The Global Framework Agreement also commits the parties to “positive and constructive industrial relations inside all ENGIE companies,” as well as promoting such practices with business partners. It sets forth a framework regarding employee training, health and safety, and stable and sustainable employment, including priority on direct employment and adherence of company subcontractors to pay social security and pension contributions for their workers. Because of the nature of their work, another important commitment of the company that was agreed is to respect the principles contained in ILO Convention 94 related to labour clauses in public procurement.
It also pledges environmental stewardship that enjoins labour and management to combat climate change, protect workers’ rights and interests in accord with the principles of Just Transition, and supports efforts to control the impact on the environment of the company’s resources and activities. It commits ENGIE, the three Global Union Federations, and trade unions to cooperative social dialogue to achieve additional agreements, including on training, occupational heath and safety, restructuring, and sustainable development and climate change.