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JAW supports democratic union elections at Honda Mexico

9 febrero, 2012The Confederation of Japan Automobile Workers' Unions (JAW) meets with the independent union STUHM and the International Metalworkers' Federation in Mexico and reiterates its expectation for fair and free union elections at Honda Mexico consistent with ILO Conventions 87 and 98.

ITUA activist reinstated at AvtoVAZ in Russia

21 febrero, 2012On January 31, a local court in Togliatti (Russia) ordered the company to reinstate Olga Boiko, an activist of the Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA) local called 'Unity' at AvtoVAZ. However, even after the court ruling the anti-union discrimination didn't stop.

Rio Tinto reprimanded by Australian court

16 febrero, 2012The Australian High Court last week refused to hear an appeal by Rio Tinto over the company's illegal non-union collective agreements imposed on iron ore miners in West Australia.

AMWU's Dave Oliver nominates as next ACTU secretary

12 marzo, 2012Vowing to actively campaign for job security and workers' rights, Dave Oliver, AMWU National Secretary stands for election as Secretary of Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU).

International uproar over conviction of Zimbabwean activists

22 marzo, 2012Six Zimbabwean activists were found guilty of charges of inciting public violence on March 19, causing uproar among labour and civil society organizations. Regional and international calls for the charges to be dropped swiftly shifted focus to put pressure on key government officials through a sms campaign to ensure that the lightest possible sentence would be handed down.

Global solidarity for strengthening unions in Peru

20 marzo, 2012The IMF and its Swedish and Finnish affiliates assess project advances in Lima, Peru and discuss the future organization of IndustriALL Global Union in Peru.

Spanish unions outraged at increase in union repression

2 mayo, 2012The Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) are outraged at the increase in arrests of trade unionists after the general strike on March 29, 2012.

Solidarity mission in the wake of disaster at Freeport-McMoran’s Grasberg copper mine

26 septiembre, 2013The mission included delegates from the United Steelworkers of America and the National Union of Mineworkers in South Africa, and was accompanied by IndustriALL Global Union’s Director of Mining, Glen Mpufane.

IMF points to role of Int'l Monetary Fund in crisis

6 mayo, 2002Not only did the policies of this international financial institution fail in Argentina, but they led to the country's social and economic disintegration.

Peruvian steelworkers demand 8-hour shift

6 mayo, 2002Company unilaterally imposed a 12-hour nightshift and openly defies the law.