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Major meeting for aluminium

15 febrero, 2001The USWA is scheduling a conference with IMF affiliates to discuss changes of significance in this all-important industry.

Finnish trade unions sue company for US$7.7 million

18 febrero, 2001A complaint was filed in court for the breach of the Finnish Act on Cooperation in Undertakings.

Urgent solidarity support requested for Daewoo

27 febrero, 2001Outraged at the continued repression of protesting Daewoo workers in Korea, the IMF has sent a strong message to the Kim government and is again asking its affiliates to do likewise.

Metalworkers' union to block Slovak borders

28 febrero, 2001KOVO will halt traffic on the busiest border crossings between the Slovak Republic and its neighbours.

New USWA international president sworn in

28 febrero, 2001Leo Gerard has become the seventh international president of the 700,000-member steelworkers' union.

Restructuring hits Mitsubishi

1 marzo, 2001The major shareholder of the Japanese car maker is DaimlerChrysler.

VW Brazil on strike

18 octubre, 2000Workers at the Sao Jose dos Pinhais (Curitiba) plant have downed their tools over pay and working time.

Victory for Joy workers

18 octubre, 2000After seven long months of bargaining dispute at Joy Mining Machinery, workers and their union achieve extraordinary feat.

Call for fair sharing of social wealth

24 octubre, 2000IG Metall initiates plan to achieve a more just distribution of Germany's created wealth.

What has the IMF contributed so far towards European integration?<br>

24 octubre, 2000One of the services of the IMF's website is the possibility it offers to come into direct contact with the IMF, to request information, make comments, ask questions about our organisation, its work, etc.