25 May, 2012The Global Framework Agreement with the European Aeronautic Defence and Space Company (EADS) states that EADS wishes to grow its economic success based on principles and standards consistent with ILO conventions and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
The agreement with EADS recognizes the right to freedom of association and the right to bargain collectively. The ILO core labour standards referred to in the agreement include the provisions relating to no use of forced or child labour, the right to equal opportunities and the need to refrain from discrimination. EADS also agrees to promote lifelong continuing training and to protect health and safety in the work place.
The agreement expects EADS suppliers will recognize and apply the same principles of this framework agreement and encourages them to introduce and implement equivalent practices in their own companies.
The agreement was first reached with the European Works Council of EADS at the end of June and was co-signed by ex-IMF President Jürgen Peters and ex-IMF General Secretary Marcello Malentacchi in the first week of July.