Agreement at GM Canada17 September, 2002CAW negotiators strike tentative deal with the first of the Big Three automakers. Bargaining at DaimlerChrysler and Ford will follow.
Sao Paulo metal sector hit by strikes26 March, 2003The over 10 per cent cost-of-living increase awarded last November has already been eroded.
Unions urge votes against executive pay schemes7 April, 2003The ISTC and CWA are publicly calling for shareholders to vote against the executive remuneration policies of two UK companies.
IMF EC member suspended15 May, 2003José Rodriguez, a vice-president of the IMF, has been suspended from his Executive Committee post.
"G-8 summit useless for poor"27 May, 2003Vital issues which could help the world's afflicted populations will undoubtedly not be on meeting agenda.
Belarus affiliates hold protest27 May, 2003Participants challenge the conditions of general silence and submissiveness in the country.
Export processing zones - Globalisation's great deceit28 September, 2003The number of Export Processing Zones in the world has increased six-fold since 1995. Largely unorganised, their employees work under poor wages and conditions, with little or no access to unions. The challenge faced by the trade union movement is to find ways to organise workers in EPZs.
IMF seminar examines needs of non-manual workers13 November, 2003Non-manual occupations account for an ever-increasing share of employment in the metal industries.
"Move ahead with the discussion"15 January, 2004At the World Social Forum, trade unions must present alternatives to the current globalisation. Employment is a key factor for genuine development, says the IMF general secretary.