IMF: Say "NO" to racism, xenophobia29 April, 2002Workers this May Day must demonstrate against racism and xenophobia, says the general secretary of the International Metalworkers' Federation.
Canadian Steelworkers ratify agreement with Gerdau4 August, 2006Settlement delivers wage and pension increases, improved health and safety and signing bonuses.
IMF announces DAY of ACTION on September 1216 August, 2006Affiliates to demonstrate at Japanese embassies and consulates demanding justice for Toyota Philippines workers.
Cancer Cause20 March, 2007Occupational cancer is the single largest cause of work-related deaths, but the risks have been down-played by governments, health and safety enforcement agencies and employers. Addressing the workplace cancer issue takes a combination of awareness raising and action in the workplace and company-wide.
Global unions call for "zero cancer" in the workplace27 April, 2007A global "zero cancer" campaign aimed at tackling the number one workplace killer was launched today, one day prior to April 28 Workers' International Memorial Day.
Unions address global challenges at Toyota18 June, 2007Employment practices, working conditions and respect for worker rights are key concerns.
110,000 KMWU members strike against FTA2 July, 2007KMWU conducts strikes and protests against the Korea U.S. Free Trade Agreement, which was signed on June 30.
New workers' guide to private equity10 June, 2007IUF publishes trade union guide on private equity buyouts -- what it is, the dangers it represents to workers and possible strategies to tackle the issue.