CAW reaches severance terms with Caterpillar's Electro-Motive Diesel24 February, 2012CAW Local 27 members from Electro-Motive Diesel in London, Ontario have voted 95 per cent in favour of a closure agreement that provides enhanced severance packages.
ArcelorMittal workers in Kazakhstan continue to struggle for better wages7 March, 2012In October 2011 miners and metalworkers at ArcelorMittal Temirtau (Kazakhstan) demanded a 30 per cent wage increase. Their demands are still not met. On February 25 the workers held a conference and decided to hold a rally on March 10. They will also push for the changes in Kazakhstan laws, which prohibit strikes at plants with continuous working cycle.
NUMSA calls for respect of labour and human rights in Mexico6 March, 2012Over fifty members of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) marched to the Mexican embassy in Pretoria on 29 February in support of the international campaign calling for the Mexican government to respect government to respect worker, union and human rights.
London 2012 Olympics signs agreement with Playfair 2012 campaign7 March, 2012In response to evidence of exploitation of workers producing goods for London 2012 Olympics, detailed in the new Playfair report "Toying with Workers' Rights", the organizers of the London 2012 Olympics signed an agreement with the Playfair 2012 campaign to protect the rights of workers in its supply chains.
Unite workers locked out at UK Mayr-Melnhof plant7 March, 2012On March 5 members of the IMF and ICEM UK affiliate Unite the Union rejected a redundancy proposal from the Austrian packaging company Mayr-Melnhof that would have ended a 19-day lockout at a plant in Merseyside, near Liverpool. Workers rejected it largely because management still insists on its own discretionary powers in disbursing redundancy packages to 49 workers.
Girl child the focus of International Women's Day15 March, 2012The National Engineering Workers Union (NEWU) joined the Zimbabwe Congress of trade union (ZCTU) in commemorating International Women's Day on March 10th 2012 under the theme: "Girl child emancipation a priority: decisions for life and equality a must."
TUCOSWA brings unity in Swaziland20 March, 2012Trade unionists in Swaziland have understood that above all else, there is strength in unity. The new federation unites workers and strengthens the labour movement's ability to build a broad based movement for democracy in Swaziland.
ICEM/IMF, Umicore GFA Monitoring Committee visits North America10 March, 2012Following the renewal of the global framework agreement (GFA) between the IMF and the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) and Umicore in September 2011, the Monitoring Committee conducted a visit at the company's operation in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, March 6 and 7, 2012.
IMF Caterpillar trade union network expanded and strengthened22 March, 2012The network Steering Group met and approved a work plan in Belgium shortly after the closure of Caterpillar's EMD plant in Canada.