23 September, 2014IndustriALL affiliates are reporting on a range of actions that they are planning for 7 October.
Unions are organizing protests and rallies to mobilize their members and bring visibility to the fight to STOP Precarious Work. In Uganda, as part of the activities on 7 October 2014 IndustriALL affiliates are planning to hold a workers' protest rally with a subsequent press conference under the theme: "Sustainable Industrial Policy is a key to Elimination of Precarious Work”. In Indonesia, where the National Women Council is planning to launch a campaign aiming at improving the working conditions of women precarious workers, IndustriALL Indonesian Council is organizing a rally in front of Bundaran HI with at least 500 (half of them women) workers. In Colombia, IndustriALL affiliates alongside with the trade union centrals will participate in a rally protesting against the current government economic measures.
In countries where the legislation on precarious work is about to be modified, affiliates will articulate the global campaign to their national fight for a better legislation. In Philippines, where there are numerous abuses of contracting out of work, IndustriALL Philippines affiliates will hold a conference on security of tenure which was proposed by the Philippines trade union movement aimed at curbing agency labour. IndustriALL affiliates in Zambia are planning to submit a petition to the Labour Commissioner requesting the government to put an end to the use of precarious work. This action will be in support of the labour reform bill, which in part deals with reforms on precarious work.
In Norway, unions will focus their action on migrant workers. The Norwegian national confederation together with its member unions, including IndustriALL affiliate Fellesforbundet, will arrange a conference on 7 October on precarious work with a special focus on major sports events. In 2014, the Norwegian unions have been drawing attention to the precarious conditions faced especially by migrant workers in constructing infrastructure for major sports events.
Affiliates will also mobilize through their networks in multinational companies. Rio Tinto workers will take action at their worksites, while unions attending a meeting of the SKF World Union Committee will debate the issue and consider a resolution for action within SKF.
These are some of the activities already planned by IndustriALL affiliates.