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Showing 6271-6280 из 6755 results

Brazilian autoworkers victorious

16 ноября, 2000Labour court rules in favour of workers' wage demands.

Facts about DaimlerChrysler

26 ноября, 2000The merger of Daimler and Chrysler is no longer a "merger of equals". Download facts about DaimlerChrysler -- in English, German and Spanish -- on "IMF Main Web" under "Publications".

Daewoo union, management reach accord

3 декабря, 2000The Daewoo Motor Co. Workers' Union has agreed, on a provisional basis, to future plans offered by the company, and a delegation representing the rank-and-file have given unanimous approval.

Zimbabwe unions merge

11 декабря, 2000Five metalworkers' unions have decided to form a joint union, the Zimbabwe Metalworkers' Union.

Racist abuse in the workplace

29 июля, 2000Workplace racist abuse causes stress, anxiety and depression, says a new report from the UK's TUC.

The SPMI conflict with Sony

1 августа, 2000After having met the striking Indonesian workers at Sony, IMF general secretary Marcello Malentacchi is convinced that they will succeed in finding a solution.

Dick Cheney-led asbestos industry

3 августа, 2000Dick Cheney, the Republican vice-president candidate, have contributed more than $150,000 to members of Congress who sponsored legislation that would limit the ability of workers to sue companies for asbestos exposure.

"One hour for the future"

16 января, 2001Volkswagen's workforce helps needy children in locations where the VW Group has operations.

Court ruling favours BHP

18 января, 2001Trade unions will file an appeal in court case against individual contracts.

VW must rehire workers

23 января, 2001South African conciliation commission rules that VW South Africa must reemploy 1,300 workers by February 5.

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