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Showing 5961-5970 из 6755 results

Support the Mexican Electrical Workers Union

19 января, 2012LabourStart launches an online solidarity campaign in support of the Mexican Electrical Workers' Union. Affiliates are requested to support the campaign by signing the online protest letter.

GoodElectronics cautious about Apple joining Fair Labor Association

24 января, 2012In January Fair Labor Association, a non-profit organization dedicated to ending sweatshop conditions in factories worldwide, announced Apple was admitted as a "Participating Company". That means that Apple promises to clean its supply chains from labour abuses during the coming two years. While welcoming this move GoodElectronics promises to watch closely whether the membership means Apple takes action on key problems.

200 million unemployed

30 января, 2012"After three years of continuous crisis conditions in global labour markets and against the prospect of a further deterioration of economic activity, there is a backlog of global unemployment of 200 million," says ILO in its annual report, "Global Employment Trends 2012: Preventing a deeper jobs crisis".

Finnish High Court: agency work not only temporary

31 января, 2012If there is not a motivated and objective reason for a job being temporary, it is permanent, the Finnish High Court ruled on January 24. The fact that a work agency client company assignment is time-limited is not a sufficient reason.

US unions win vote on bargaining

10 ноября, 2011US unions scored an important victory on October 8 when voters in the state of Ohio in a referendum overwhelmingly rejected a Republican Senate Bill to limit public sector workers' collective bargaining rights.

First issue of Metal Asia-Pacific

16 ноября, 2011The Asia-Pacific region is the largest manufacturing hub of the world, with considerable presence of metal industries. The IMF South Asia office now issues its own magazine, the Metal Asia Pacific.

Shipbreaking workers suffer burns at Mumbai yard

17 ноября, 2011Three shipbreaking workers suffer severe burns in a fire accident at Mumbai shipbreaking yard on November 14, 2011

Successful negotiations in German steelworks

25 ноября, 2011Wage increases of 3,8 percent for 75,000 steelworkers, and permanent status for trainees. That is the result of negotiations between IG Metall and employers in the steel sector in the three German states of North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bremen.

UNI fights protection contracts in Mexico

1 декабря, 2011UNI Global Union has released a video in support of the workers at Atento Mexico fighting for their right to have a democratic and independent trade union.

Bulgarian metalworkers protest cuts

2 декабря, 2011Unions in Bulgaria organized a nationwide protest action on November 30 in response to the government's announced austerity measures. The Government later backed down from pensions cuts.

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