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12 Birleşik members detained by gendarmerie

22 июля, 2011MAS-DAF workers fight for reinstatement after being summarily fired for joining the Turkish union, Birleşik Metal-İş, were detained by gendarmerie in an effort to stop the union's second round of actions to force the government to intervene.

Caterpillar to Close Canadian Train Locomotive Plant

6 февраля, 2012Caterpillar disclosed its plans to stop its train locomotive plant in London, Ontario. The shutdown comes five weeks after Caterpillar's locked out 465 CAW members at the Canadian train locomotive plant Electro-Motive Diesel (EMD) in London, Ontario.

European industry and manufacturing unions to unite

9 февраля, 2012The European Mine, Chemical and Energy Workers' Federation (EMCEF), European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF) and the European Trade Union Federation for textiles, Clothing, Leather and Footwear (ETUF-TCL) will formally merge in Brussels on May 16, 2012.

Outsourcing ruled unconstitutional in Indonesian court

9 февраля, 2012The Indonesian Constitution Court rules that outsourcing is against workers' rights as enshrined in the Constitution and, elsewhere in Indonesia, workers stage mass protests to successfully defend minimum wage increase decision.

Eternit owners sentenced to 16 years of prison

14 февраля, 2012In a trial in Turin Eternit owners, Stephan Schmidheiny and Baron Louis de Cartier de Marchienne, are found guilty in thousands of deaths and are sentenced to 16 years of jail. The case is unprecedented and can be exemplary for other producers and distributors of deadly asbestos worldwide.

Histadrut wins better conditions for precarious workers

14 февраля, 2012On February 12 Histadrut (Israel Federation of Trade Unions) ended its national strike having gained considerable improvements in conditions of employment for precarious workers in Israel. Many temporary workers will be regularized and get higher wages and better conditions.

Trade Unions discuss EU India FTA

15 февраля, 2012IMF South Asia Office organized a workshop on EU India Free Trade Agreement on February 14 and 15 in New Delhi. Representatives of Indian national trade union centres and Indian affiliates of IMF, BWI, ITGLWF, UNI, ICEM exchanged views on trade policies and implications for development and employment with IMF affiliates from France, Italy, Canada, Argentina and Japan.

Swedwood USA workers sign first contract

20 декабря, 2011On December 17, 2011, workers at the IKEA-owned Swedwood plant in Danville, USA, voted for their first collective bargaining agreement which will go into effect on January 1, 2012.

Global Labour University calls for applications

17 января, 2012Master Courses in Labour Policies and Globalisation are about to start in Germany and India. Trade unionists and labour activists are invited to apply.

European shipping companies export hazardous waste

18 января, 2012European shipping companies export hazardous waste to developing countries to avoid the costs of proper disposal. The NGO Shipbreaking Platform, a coalition of environmental and labour organizations, calls on the EU Commission to act and prevent toxic waste trade of European end-of-life ships.

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