Union expels Nazi leader4 декабря, 1999The Swedish Metalworkers' Union has kicked out a member of the union who was pointed out as a Nazi leader.
New president for<br>Hungarian metalworkers7 декабря, 1999The Federation of Hungarian Metalworkers' Union (VASAS) has elected Károly Szoke as its new president, to succeed Lazlo Paszternak.
Trade unionists treated<br>like criminals9 декабря, 1999For simply trying to improve their working conditions, Indonesian trade unionists are being charged with criminal acts.
Tentative agreement<br>in Charlotte16 сентября, 1999The USWA's "Don't Tread on Us" campaign at Continental General Tire may have reached its conclusion.
Deal made in auto industry16 сентября, 1999After two days of round-the-clock negotiations, the IMF-affiliated United Autoworkers (UAW) and DaimlerChrysler have reached a tentative agreement.
Steelworkers<br>ratify contract20 сентября, 1999Members of the United Steelworkers of America Local 850 in Charlotte end their one-year strike at tire plant.
A more international union26 сентября, 1999The Norwegian metalworkers' union, Fellesforbundet, has decided to increase its international solidarity activities.
Strikers injured<br>at Fiat-Betim30 сентября, 1999Brazilian metal federations report brutality used against workers during their one-day strike.
Growing concern<br>over health effects3 октября, 1999OSHA will cut standard for metalworking fluid exposure by 90%.