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Showing 5121-5130 из 6755 results

Union-busting at Chugai (Malaysia)

8 ноября, 2000The company is attempting to deny workers their right to trade union representation.

Purchasing power survey now available

12 ноября, 2000An international comparison within the metal industry of working time required for the purchase of various consumer items has been published by the International Metalworkers' Federation.

Brazil's auto industry paralysed

13 ноября, 2000As strike begins, unions are demanding a minimum wage hike of 10 per cent.

IMF urges end to conflicts in Africa

27 ноября, 2000Wars have had devastating effects on workers and populations in general.

Failure of talks in The Hague

5 декабря, 2000At the Climate Change Conference, governments could not agree to do what they had already agreed upon!

"Huge changes in China"

6 декабря, 2000The IMF begins an exchange of information with Chinese trade unions.

Victory for Ericsson workers

7 декабря, 2000The Malaysian Electrical Industry Workers' Union will continue to represent workers at Ericsson's Malaysian subsidiary.

Steps towards improved worker safety at Ford

10 декабря, 2000Partnership is formed between UAW, Ford and U.S. government which will lead to developing plant health and safety standards.

Lockout avoided at Freightliner

17 декабря, 2000UAW members at DaimlerChrysler's heavy truck manufacturer vote in favour of new agreement.

Tentative deal at Wheeling-Pitt

13 сентября, 2001The USWA says that a first step has been taken to save the bankrupt steel company.

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