The global crisis and restructuring in automotive and metalworking industries2 июля, 2009The auto industry was among the first branches to be hit by the financial crisis taking a heavy toll on workers and their families.
No to workplace cancer in Australia25 ноября, 2009AMWU publishes an Australia version of the global Occupational Cancer Zero Cancer booklet, a union guide to prevent exposure to cancer causing risks in the workplace.
Financial crisis hits workers employment and rights in Mexico25 ноября, 2009CEREAL releases report on worsening labour conditions in Mexico's electronics industry. Thousands have lost their jobs and the right to stable employment has been weakened as a result of the financial crisis.
Unions oppose EU-Colombia Free Trade Agreement27 ноября, 2009EMF calls on European Parliament to not sign an EU-Colombia Free Trade Agreement.
Influencing the climate debate1 декабря, 2009Industrial trade union federations representing workers in the metal, chemical, energy and mining sectors in Europe and globally will be in Copenhagen in December 2009 demanding a strong legally-binding, comprehensive global agreement ensuring ambitious reduction of green house gas emissions. The federations will argue that social justice and long-term employment policies are an integral element of climate policy.
IMF in Copenhagen3 декабря, 2009Industrial workers' trade union federations call for a binding international agreement that will provide a framework for combating global warming, while at the same time safeguarding employment and workers' rights.