GFA signed with Norsk Hydro15 марта, 2011Metal and energy workers sign Global Framework Agreement with Norsk Hydro ASA, a leading global supplier of aluminium products and energy solutions.
Mexican parliament considers regressive labour law reforms21 марта, 2011The International Metalworkers' Federation joins with the independent trade union movement in Mexico in denouncing proposed labour law reforms that could go before parliament as early as this week. The 'reforms' will severely erode workers' rights in Mexico and must be stopped.
Trouble at a ArcelorMittal site in Brazil as local union not invited to meeting31 марта, 2011While health and safety standards are high on site, the relations between management and the local CNM-CUT union at Tubarao, ArcelorMittal's site in Vitória, Brazil need improvement.
UN releases Guiding Principles for business and human rights5 апреля, 2011The United Nations released its much-anticipated Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, seeking to provide an authoritative global standard for preventing and addressing the risk of adverse human rights impacts linked to business activities.
Steelworkers Achieve Exemplary Labour Pact with ArcelorMittal in Québec14 апреля, 2011Some 2,000 iron ore miners and pellet-plant workers in northern Québec, members of four United Steelworkers (USW) locals, came to excellent wage, pension, and work terms with ArcelorMittal Mines Canada.
New Zealand Labour Law Changes Damage Worker Rights14 апреля, 2011Employment law changes that came into force 1 April have given all employers the right to dismiss employees within the first 90 days "trial" period, with no rights to personal grievance procedure. This rule previously applied for small businesses of fewer than 20 employees.
Mineros sign first contract at Johnson Controls in Puebla14 апреля, 2011Workers at the company Johnson Controls plant in Puebla, successfully renegotiated the Collective Bargaining Agreement on April 9 with an overall wage increase of 7.5 per cent and other benefits that were accepted unanimously by the members of the new section of the Mexican Miners' and Metalworkers' Union.
New Metal World is out!19 апреля, 2011The latest issue of Metal World looks at the importance of organizing in different countries, describes trade unions responses to the global jobs crisis, reports on trade union networks as a means to ensure an equal playing field for workers and profiles Peta Thomson and Stephanie Eastcott, promoting better women's participation in trade unions.
Trade unions mobilize for social change in Budapest11 апреля, 2011The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and its Hungarian member organizations held a Euro-demonstration on April 9 in Budapest. The European trade unions marched to say no to austerity and for a more social Europe, with fair wages and quality jobs.
Warning strikes in German steelworks16 ноября, 2011IG Metall is carrying out two hour warning strikes in North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bremen, and demands raises of seven percent for the 75,000 steelworkers in the German states.