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Showing 4801-4810 из 6755 results

Gerdau workers strengthen global committee

20 октября, 2009The Gerdau Workers' Committee decided on action to seek recognition from the company and in solidarity with colleagues in Canada and Colombia suffering violation of their labour rights in this time of crisis.


28 октября, 2009

Tenaris workers getting stronger

3 ноября, 2009Tenaris Workers' World Council seeks recognition from management and plans a global week of action in the week of November 23, 2009.

Zimbabwean metalworkers campaign for payment of wage increases

20 августа, 2009IMF affiliate makes serious gains for Zimbabwean workers and their families.


27 августа, 2009

3.1 Build strong national trade unions

19 июня, 2009

3.3.3 Fight for safe workplaces

19 июня, 2009

Justice for Sinter Metal Workers in Turkey

5 мая, 2009The International Metalworkers' Federation and the European Metalworkers' Federation are calling on Sinter Metal Imalat Sanayi A.Ş to immediately reinstate unjustly dismissed workers, stop violations of rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining, and start negotiations with the union, Birlesik Metal-IS, leading to a fair and just resolution.

Occupational Cancer/ Zero Cancer

5 мая, 2009A coalition of 11 global unions together representing over 300 million members in more than 150 countries are campaigning for "zero cancer", tackling the number one workplace killer. Over 600,000 deaths a year - one death every 52 seconds -are caused by occupational cancer, making up almost one-third of all work-related deaths.

Denouncing irregularities at Peruvian mining company Glencore

22 марта, 2010The trade union at the Mining Company Los Quenuales filed a criminal complaint for tax evasion against the mining company, which is a subsidiary of the multinational Glencore.

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