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Showing 4711-4720 из 6755 results

Workers mobilise in Austria

5 мая, 2003Over one million trade union members strike over government attempts to increase retirement age.

Chinese metalworkers sentenced

12 мая, 2003Yao Fuxin and Xiao Yunliang receive long prison terms for their participation in a peaceful workers' protest.

GE negotiations get underway

19 мая, 2003The 14-member CBC unions open national negotiations with General Electric.

New law on corporate killing

22 мая, 2003The GMB says the UK government's proposed legislation doesn't go far enough.

Report on non-manual workers

10 марта, 2004IMF report on organising non-manual workers discusses career development and training, communication, servicing members and much more.

Aker Yards to merge its activities

11 марта, 2004With the better coordination of its activities, the combined shipbuilding group should become more competitive.

Non-manual workers and China in focus at IMF Executive

13 мая, 2004Increasing activities for organising non-manual workers and the situation in China were discussed at the IMF Executive Committee meeting on May 12-13.

"Globalisation is going white-collar"

13 июня, 2004With the shifting composition of today's workforce, from blue-collar jobs to white-collar, the trade union challenge for organising is great. In addition to representing the traditional core occupations, unions must show their relevance to the needs of non-manual workers, whose unionisation rate remains low.

IMF seminar on non-manual workers in Latin America

14 сентября, 2004Increasingly, unions in the region address the specific needs of non-manual workers.

Stop WTO negotiations and save jobs

30 ноября, 2005Trade unions and civil society organisations call for WTO negotiations to stop and a full public assessment of the impact of trade on employment and development.

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