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Showing 4621-4630 из 6755 results

Mexican Human Rights Commission examines first labour complaint

19 января, 2012Twenty trade unions and labour rights organisations have submitted a complaint against the Local Conciliation and Arbitration Board of the Federal District of Mexico.

New deal on agency workers and pensions in British BMW

18 января, 2012Following discussions between BMW and IMF's british affiliate Unite, BMW has agreed not to proceed with its plan to close it's current pension scheme to new entrants, and that it will not use the "Swedish derogation" to avoid equal pay for agency workers.

Unions in Norway mobilize against temporary agency directive

24 января, 2012Over 150,000 workers came out on the streets of Norway to protest against the imposition of a new EU directive on temporary agency workers. The directive can undermine collective agreements by permitting temporary contracts which currently have to be agreed with the unions.

IF Metall's Stefan Löfven becomes party leader in Sweden

30 января, 2012Stefan Löfven, president of the 355,000 member IF Metall, was elected the Swedish Social Democratic Party acting president after Håkan Juholt resigned on January 21.

Workers Uniting protests at the killing of Colombian trade unionists

30 января, 2012In a letter to the president of Colombia, the USW and Unite trade unions call for an investigation into the brutal killings of Mauricio Redondo (USO) and Víctor Manuel Hilarion (SINTRAPAZ).

International delegation to visit locked-out workers at GEA in Turkey

15 ноября, 2011A four month lock-out at the Turkish operations of German-owned GEA is gaining worldwide attention as an international delegation prepares to visit the picket site and pledge global action.

GLU course on labour and globalisation

17 ноября, 2011The Global Labour University now accepts applications to its Engage programme on labour policies and globalisation. Trade unionists are invited to apply by November 30.

Metalworkers to meet in Jakarta

22 ноября, 2011360 representatives from IMF affiliates in 47 countries are on their way to IMF meetings in Jakarta, Indonesia, December 5-8.

European metalworkers in ArcelorMittal mobilize on December 7

23 ноября, 2011European metalworkers' unions call on all workers employed by ArcelorMittal and its subcontractors to take part in a European solidarity action on December 7 to protest against plant closures, restructuring plans and job cuts in Europe's leading steelmaker.

GEA locks out Turkish union members, calls in police

28 ноября, 201162 workers at a Turkish subsidiary of German-owned GEA have been locked out since July. An international delegation of some 60 representatives from 20 countries visited the plant and called on the company to reinstate the workers immediately.

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