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Showing 4441-4450 из 6755 results

Samsung harasses workers

11 июля, 1999Trade union accuses Samsung for harassing Malaysian workers.

Kim Dae-jung breached<br>promise to unionists

12 июля, 1999The President of the Korean Metal Workers' Federation (KMWF), Mun Sung-hyun, was arrested on July 3.

New track back to growth

20 июля, 1999The Japan Council of Metalworkers' Unions (IMF-JC) suggests that the Japanese government, labour and management work together to overcome the economic crisis.

700 million Internet users

25 июля, 1999The global gap between haves and have-nots, between know and know-nots, is widening, according to UN report.

Online debate on the future<br> of trade unions

28 июля, 1999International trade unions are launching an online debate on Labour in the 21th century.

Cautious optimism in Karelia

16 октября, 1999Finnish journalists on visit to Karelia are hopeful that Russia is not doomed to sustained economic failure.

NUMSA organising<br>mass action

18 октября, 1999Lack of vision and greed by employers plus lack of industrial strategy by government is to blame for heavy job losses.

We must face challenge of<br>organising informal sector

20 октября, 1999The growing informal sector poses a serious threat to the whole industrial relations system. Read IMF General Secretary Marcello Malentacchi's column under IMF Opinion on this website.

Renew the fight against racism

27 октября, 1999Last Saturday, October 23, the people of Sweden again demonstrated their disgust for intolerance and racism, which are deep-rooted in all societies, without exception.

Fighting against racism

27 октября, 1999In many countries, right-wing political parties are speculating on people's fears in order to win votes among the working-class population. Read IMF General Secretary Marcello Malentacchi's column under IMF Opinion on this website.

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