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Showing 4431-4440 из 6755 results

In search of a common route

13 марта, 2002Learning more about the realities of Muslim societies, and of Arab societies in particular, is undoubtedly a crucial part of the struggle to achieve a new world order, writes Toni Ferigo, responsible for the Maghreb region in the IMF Secretariat.

Plea for peace<br>in the Balkans

3 мая, 1999GENEVA: IMF General Secretary Marcello Malentacchi states that the solution for Yugoslavia is the integration of the Balkans into the European Union.

Cause for celebration<br>over asbestos

4 мая, 1999European Union votes for EU-wide ban on chrysotile.

100 years for Finnish metalworkers

21 июня, 19997,000 metalworkers celebrated their anniversary in the streets of Helsinki, Finland.

IMF's new officers

22 июня, 1999Central Committee elects new members to the Executive and has a new industrial department president.

Where are the women?

4 июля, 1999More active women are needed in the International Metalworkers' Federation.

"Where are the women?"

4 июля, 199930-35 per cent of the IMF membership are women. At the Central Committee meeting in Helsinki, they made up less than 10 per cent of the delegates.

Labour activist released

5 июля, 1999Dita Sari has been released after spending two years in prison in Indonesia.

Shipyard condemned

7 июля, 1999Avondale shipyard has been condemned by the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Authority (OHSA).

Astra Group raises concerns

11 июля, 1999The Indonesian Astra Group management is trying to create a single company-based union.

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