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Showing 4241-4250 из 6755 results

Workers at Johnson Controls in Puebla want to join miners' union

26 января, 2010A campaign to discredit the Mexican miners' union has been launched in order to discourage workers from joining the union.

Union building

1 февраля, 2010Building strong national trade unions is crucial. The strong unions which are in a permanent democratic relationship with workers, are capable of achieving real gains through collective bargaining, by organizing the unorganized, striving for trade union unity at the national level and building unions through training, education and effective exchange of information.

Give Haiti debt relief

3 февраля, 2010International Metalworkers' Federation affiliates make donations to the recovery effort in Haiti as calls for debt relief intensify.

Court orders Leoni to reinstate union leader in Ukraine

9 февраля, 2010On January 28 local court ordered Leoni to reinstate unjustly dismissed union leader at Leoni Wiring Systems plant in Lviv area, Ukraine.

ICEM/IMF survey shows precarious work still growing

10 февраля, 2010Precarious work on the rise suggesting many companies who have begun hiring again are doing so with fixed-term or temporary workers.

Unionists discuss communication in Tunisia

11 марта, 2010Union activists gathered for two days in Tunis to discuss creation of union communication networks within the growing number of TNCs operating in the country.

Trade Unions Ask Norwegian Pension Funds to Divest of Grupo Mexico Shares

16 марта, 2010IMF, ICEM and four Norwegian trade unions ask Council on Ethics of the Government Pension Fund of Norway to divest its holdings in the Mexican mining conglomerate Grupo Mexico because of alleged labor and environmental violations.

3.3 Defend and protect workers rights

31 августа, 2009

SKF workers tackling financial crisis together

7 сентября, 2009SKF World Council of trade unions meet and discuss the impact of the financial crisis on workers and how the unions can strengthen their global network.

Cutting Emissions, Transforming Jobs

9 сентября, 2009Industrial workers' unions meet to develop common position on climate change prior to the United Nations' COP 15 conference.

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