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Showing 3941-3950 из 6755 results

CAW wins agreement at Falconbridge

20 февраля, 2001After nearly seven months of strike action at the company's nickel-mining operations in Sudbury, union members ratify contract offer.

New attack on Australian workers

21 мая, 2000The metalworkers' union is strongly opposing proposed anti-worker legislation.

Urgent action needed

23 мая, 2000Europe's steelworkers make demands on the European Commission, Parliament and Member States.

Serb police arrest trade unionists

28 мая, 2000Trade union activists of the AFITU are being treated like common criminals.

Update on Sony strike in Indonesia

6 июня, 2000Goon squads chase and threaten striking workers, most of whom are women.

Unique opportunity for trade unions

18 июня, 2000New technology gives the trade unions a new possibility to unite white- and blue-collar workers, writes Marcello Malentacchi under IMF opinion.

"Unions must be global players"

20 июня, 2000Trade unions have to strengthen their international structures, says IMF president Klaus Zwickel.

Membership goes up at IMF

20 июня, 2000Unions representing over 800,000 members have affiliated to the International Metalworkers' Federation.

Animated debate on free trade

21 июня, 2000Speakers in the IMF Central Committee discussion on liberalised global trade insist on core labour standards in rules on trade.

GMBE votes for merger

2 июля, 2000The political scene and enlargement of the European Union were high on the Congress agenda of the IMF's Austrian affiliate.

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