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Unions work globally to resolve workplace problems at Volvo trucks

13 mayo, 2011A global network meeting of unions representing workers at Volvo trucks held in Sweden in May enables unions from around the world to resolve local workplace problems.

Building union networks - a priority for Mechanical Engineering

23 mayo, 2011Mechanical engineering conference identifies sub-sectors as area for future work, starting with machinery for construction and mining, and agricultural machinery.

Duma approves the bill banning precarious work

23 mayo, 2011Russian Duma passes the bill banning precarious work in the first reading. Second and third readings are to follow.

IMF debates trade union education for young workers in Latin America and the Caribbean.

23 mayo, 2011A meeting was held in Uruguay to discuss a project to organize and train young workers in Latin America and the Caribbean.

IMF TV -- a new addition to the IMF Website

24 mayo, 2011The International Metalworkers' Federation launches IMF TV, a new platform for reporting on activities to support the struggle of metalworkers around the world.

Bridgestone SA workers back at work

28 mayo, 2011Workers at Bridgestone South Africa returned to work on May 19, ending an eight week lockout. National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) made the decision with workers after an unfavourable labour court ruling that deemed the lockout legal and with due regard to the hardships that the 1,200 workers endured during the lockout, going two months without pay.

KMWU exposes Yoosung union busting strategy

28 mayo, 2011Over 3,000 riot police were sent to break up the sit-in protest of 500 workers at South Korean auto parts producer Yoosung Enterprise factory in Asan. According to a report received by the Korean Metal Workers' Union (KMWU) this is part of a general union busting strategy applied by the company.

Romanian unions protest against changes in the Labour Code

18 marzo, 2011Some 8,000 people were in the streets of Bucharest protesting against the Government's decision to introduce changes in the Labour Code that will weaken collective bargaining rights and lead to increased precarious employment.

Global Union Labour Film Shorts 2011 deadline approaches

24 marzo, 2011Submission deadline for the Global Union Labour Film Shorts 2011 is April 1. The International Metalworkers' Federation calls on its affiliates to submit their videos to a one hour line-up of the best short films from around the world focused on unions fighting back against austerity cuts. The line-up will be released in June online and in DVD.

Nokia to enter talks on potential job losses

24 marzo, 2011Nokia announced it will begin talks in Finland on potential job cuts in late April; workers fear drastic cuts following the company's decision to change operating system.