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EMF, French Nuclear Group Areva Sign Worker Training, Evolution Accord

14 abril, 2011The European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF) and Areva, the Paris-based nuclear power and nuclear service provider, signed a protocol agreement on April 1 intended to facilitate career enhancement and employee competencies within the 13 European countries that Areva operates in.

Tenaris workers in Colombia receive more death threats

15 abril, 2011Members of the Sindicato de Trabajadores de Tubos Caribe (SINTRATUCAR) union at Tenaris Tubos del Caribe Ltd received new death threats. The union has denounced the situation and is asking for protection from the Colombian government.

KMWU rally in Busan to support strike at Hanjin

15 abril, 2011Thousands of workers from across Korea marched to Hanjin Heavy Industries Yeongdo shipyard and rallied beside union leaders who have been carrying out a sit-in protest against Hanjin's mass dismissals. The dismissal of the 170 workers is in breach of the employment security agreements concluded in March 2007 and February 2011.

Empowerment comes from participation

18 abril, 2011Peta Thomson and Stephanie Eastcott attended their first national union conference in February 2011 following a decision by the AWU's national executive to encourage women's participation.

IMF calls for solidarity with Bridgestone workers

19 abril, 2011IMF calls on affiliates to send solidarity messages of support to the 1,200 workers represented by the National Union of Metalworkers South Africa (NUMSA) that have been subjected to a lockout by Bridgestone South Africa since 22 March 2011.

Tenaris Workers' World Council

25 octubre, 2010

AKER IFA extended for another two years

2 noviembre, 2010Fellesforbundet, IMF, and Aker ASA will continue to work together for building, developing and managing networking in the company to secure the implementation of the International Framework Agreement, which is extended for another two years.

European Parliament adopts resolution on women in precarious work

3 noviembre, 2010The European Parliament adopts a series of recommendations on how to redress the disadvantage precarious women workers face.

Chilean miners at Collahuasi mine on strike

8 noviembre, 2010Workers began a strike over pay at the world's third largest copper mine Collahuasi in Chile on November 5, after five days of government mediated talks failed.

Building a strong union in Mozambique

16 noviembre, 2010Unemployment and low wages are a major challenge for Sintime, IMF's affiliate in Mozambique. Through a renewed focus on organizing and collective bargaining the union is getting stronger and is gaining higher wages for its members.