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Mostrando 5751-5760 de 6755 resultados

IMF explores impacts of Free Trade Agreements

25 febrero, 2010The International Metalworkers' Federation's Working Party on Trade, Employment and Development discusses the social and economic impacts of Free Trade Agreements and their potential challenge to solidarity.

Latin America Mining

26 febrero, 2010Participatory Planning Workshop for the Mining Sector in Latin America

Engaging qualified workers in trade union work

1 marzo, 2010IG Metall stresses the strategic importance of organising non-manual workers.

Court delays hearings on Sinter Metal

4 marzo, 2010Once again the Turkish court suspended hearings and the fate of 350 workers who were fired for joining the union remains uncertain.

Philips: Bosses feast while workers fast

1 marzo, 2010Philips fires workers and pays higher bonuses to the top managers during time of financial crisis, reports the European Metalworkers' Federation.

IMF precarious work video runner up in competition

11 marzo, 2010IMF film on precarious work runner up in LabourStart labour video of the year competition.

Impact of FTAs on Chile

3 agosto, 2009The workshop on Free Trade Agreements analysed the consequences and impact of free trade on employment and labour rights. The IMF also organised workshops on this issue in Argentina and Brazil.

UPDATE: Ssangyong Motor Plant on fire

5 agosto, 2009Concern for the lives of 700 autoworkers inside the plant grow as reports come in that parts of the plant near the highly explosive paint shop are on fire, workers trying to flee the fire are being beaten by SWAT team forces.

NUMSA Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary

19 agosto, 2009

Working Together...IMF Workshop On Chinese Trade And Investment In Africa

19 agosto, 2009