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Video on organizing EPZ workers released in Arabic

25 mayo, 2010IMF video in Arabic on organising workers in Export Processing Zones launched at Seminar held at Berrchid, Morocco, on workers' rights.

SONASID/ArcelorMittal falling short on labour rights in Morocco

25 mayo, 2010Shop stewards from SONASID/ArcelorMittal demand respect of labour law and of the Global Agreement on Health & Safety at Moroccan sites.

Workers' concerns rejected and ignored by Vale executives

2 junio, 2010A representative from a Brazilian missionary group and shareholder of Vale SA, expressed his concerns at the Vale shareholder meeting in Rio de Janeiro on 19 May. Vale's executives not only discarded his concerns they also refused to have them documented in the meeting's minutes.

VALEO cuts off electricity and water to peaceful sit-in protestors in Korea

4 junio, 2010While announcing results outlook for the highest operating margins in eight years at their annual general meeting in Paris, multi-billion dollar automotive components transnational Valeo cuts off water and electricity supplies to the Cheonan plant in South Korea where about 100 workers are protesting unilateral plant closure.

Union mobilization in Belgium for a better common status

4 junio, 2010In a time of crisis, tensions over the harmonization of status between manual and non-manual workers are increasing.

Training For Union Building To Strengthen Cameroon Affiliate

26 marzo, 2010Education is an essential cornerstone to building democratic and sustainable unions. Responding to a request from USTIC for capacity building in trade union education, , Kapita Twizana of the IMF regional office travelled to Cameroon in February 2010 where he held a train the trainer workshop in Douala.

Poverty Wages Attracts Footloose Foreign Investment In Lesotho

26 marzo, 2010Lesotho provides a haven for companies wishing to keep workers in slave like employment by escaping the enforcement of worker rights including the right to earn a decent wage. High unemployment together with fragmented and weak organised labour in Lesotho leaves workers vulnerable to exploitation through poor working conditions and poverty wages.

Bosch workers in India secure pay rise

6 abril, 2010Bosch workers in India gain wage rises in renewed four year agreements after go-slow protest disrupts the auto industry dependent on critical parts from the plants.

Global week of action against Vale culminates in Rio

22 abril, 2010Unions demanding Justice at Vale take their message to the Brazilian State Legislative Assembly calling for an investigation into the company's unethical business practices.

Tribute to the miners who died at Lázaro Cárdenas

22 abril, 2010Jyrki Raina, IMF General Secretary, reiterates international solidarity for Mexican miners.