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Global unions fight deteriorating union rights situation in Turkey

19 septiembre, 2011Global union organizations held their second annual meeting in Istanbul on September 8 and 9 in the presence of union representatives from both Turkey and across the world, and called on the Turkish government to change its legislation to guarantee basic rights of workers.

Building international solidarity between shipbuilding and shipbreaking workers

19 septiembre, 2011The first joint shipbuilding/shipbreaking conference of IMF and EMF is seen as a positive and successful experience by the participants. Both organisations will try and explore opportunities for further international cooperation and solidarity in this field.

Indonesian unions build unity through organizing

27 septiembre, 2011Indonesian union leaders met for a strategy and planning meeting in Jakarta, and agreed on a joint organizing plan. Through a project supported by SASK 6000 workers should be recruited to FSPMI and Lomenik during 2011.

Metalworkers fight for job security in Ukraine

23 septiembre, 2011Workers of the Zaporozhye Ferroalloy Plant in Eastern Ukraine picketed in front of the government office in Kiev protesting against job cuts at the plant. Their union works closely with local and national authorities to find a solution to the acute jobs crisis.

Indonesian unions cooperate to fight precarious work

30 septiembre, 2011Indonesian unions and NGOs gathered at the end of September 2011 to step up their fight against contract and agency labour in Indonesia.

Excellon in illegal lockout at Mexican mine

3 octubre, 2011The Miners' Union reports that workers at the Sierrita mine have been locked out and the site has been occupied by other workers, in a conspiracy between the government and the company. The union has called for the immediate withdrawal of the occupation force and called on the employer to respect the agreement reached in August.

Fighting back through unity in the Philippines

4 octubre, 2011Union leaders in metalworkers' organizations in the Philippines met for a national workshop on September 28-29 in Manila to find pragmatic solutions, boost cooperation and share information.

IG Metall acts to make youth concerns top priority

4 octubre, 2011Under the slogan "loud and strong" 20,000 young people participated on October 1 in Cologne, Germany in the IG Metall Youth Action Day.

Struggle for democracy and human rights in Swaziland

6 octubre, 2011Mary Pais Da Silva is a 33 year old lawyer, working as coordinator for the Swaziland Democracy Campaign. Currently in Geneva, Switzerland, together with a delegation of six persons from different movements in Swaziland, she wants to set the human rights record straight.

Six workers crushed in shipyard in the Philippines

11 octubre, 2011Five workers were immediately crushed to death and seven more injured when a 42-ton elevated ramp fell on workers at Keppel Subic Shipyard on October 7. Later the same day one of the seven injured workers died in hospital in Olongapo. The MWAP denounces lax safety standards.