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Dutch NedCar closure announced

9 febrero, 2012Mitsubishi Motors announces NedCar plant closure in the Netherlands. IMF Dutch affiliate FNV Bondgenoten mobilizes for survival of the only Mitsubishi plant in Western Europe.

Kumtor workers go on indefinite strike in Kyrgyzstan

9 febrero, 2012On February 7 workers of the Kumtor gold mine in Kyrgyzstan went on indefinite strike. They demand compensation for rising contributions to the government insurance fund.

Unions hold protest at International Olympic Committee

15 mayo, 2012Workers call on the IOC to end the use of Rio's tarnished gold in Olympic medals. Unions want Rio, "Off the Podium!"

ArcelorMittal workers in Kazakhstan take to the streets

22 mayo, 2012During tripartite negotiations the management of ArcelorMittal Temirtau (Kazakhstan) refused to implement a 30 per cent wage rise. On May 19 the workers took to the streets in an action which gathered over 3,000 people.

Guy Ryder elected as ILO Director General

30 mayo, 2012Former General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Guy Rider, has been elected as the new Director General of the International Labour Organization (ILO). He replaces Juan Somavia, who has served in this position since March 1999.

Caterpillar workers in Germany get above-inflation pay rise

28 mayo, 2012The settlement reached on May 20, 2012 between IG Metall and the Employers Association in the key State of Baden-Württemberg has been extended to other regions, thereby applying to all Caterpillar workers in Germany.

PKC sack local miners' union leader in Mexico

3 mayo, 2012The company claims the dismissal was due to a reduction in production. The union is demanding reinstatement.

Do you know

9 enero, 2005

Worldwide prospects for the metal industry

30 julio, 2000The metal industry employs approximately 70 million workers worldwide. It is a driving force of the world economy. Forecasts up to the year 2005 say that the number of persons employed in the metal industry will be less.

Bangalore -- from isolation<br>to globalisation

15 marzo, 2001A new economic agenda in India has meant that the private sector has taken over a major share of the development of industry. Workers have paid the price for that. METAL WORLD has visited a small enterprise in Bangalore, India's fastest-growing city.