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Overload of safety initiatives add to steelworkers' concerns on safety

11 noviembre, 2011The ArcelorMittal and union Joint Global Health and Safety Committee (JGHSC) visited the Polish steel plant in Dabrowa Gornicza.

Unions concerned at APEC statement on TPPTA

16 noviembre, 2011APEC leaders meeting in Hawaii said nothing about establishing a fairer trading system, investing in decent jobs or strengthening social protection. Unions were particularly concerned at the statement on a Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement (TPPTA) announced at the APEC summit on November 12, 2011.

ITUA organizes St-Petersburg auto cluster

17 noviembre, 2011ITUA - the Russian Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers aims to organize autoworkers in the rapidly expanding auto cluster around Saint-Petersburg.

Industrial strategy on climate change to be discussed

17 noviembre, 2011ICEM, IMF and ITGLWF will hold the joint event "Cutting emissions - transforming jobs" at the UN climate change conference in Durban (COP17) to discuss a sustainable foundation for Just Transition and develop a common industrial strategy for the future of industrial workers.

Chilean affiliates evaluate trade union unity project

21 noviembre, 2011As part of the project to strengthen unity among IMF affiliates in Chile, a national evaluation seminar has set objectives for 2012.

EMF calls for industrial policy for shipbuilding

30 noviembre, 2011The Executive Committee of the European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF), meeting in Brussels on November 23-24, sets down its position on the shipbuildning industry. In a declaration addressed to the European Union Commissioners the EMF calls for an integrated industrial policy for the sector, and for a critical industrial mass of shipbuilding activities in Europe.

Cooper Tire workers mobilize globally to support locked-out in the USA

20 diciembre, 2011While thousands joined the United Steelworkers (USW) on December 17 at a solidarity rally to support 1,051 locked-out members at Cooper Tire and Rubber since November 28, workers at other Cooper Tire facilities in Europe showed their support.

Unions to completely ban agency labour in Russia

29 diciembre, 2011On December 19-20 the two largest Russian union federations held a conference in support of the bill to completely ban agency labour.

IMF predicts an uncertain 2012 for steelworkers

11 enero, 2012IMF calls on governments to accelerate incentives for manufacturing industries, in particular steel, as an effective means to boost the prosperity of economies in the face of uncertain conditions for steelworkers in 2012.

Cooper Tire workers build solidarity

12 enero, 2012A delegation of locked-out workers from Cooper Tire in the USA meets Serbian union leaders to discuss common approaches and mutual support when dealing with the company.