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Showing 861-870 из 5694 results

Workers at General Motors, Mexico, elect new union representatives

1 февраля, 2022Today and tomorrow, around 7,000 workers at General Motors' Silao plant in Mexico will elect new union representatives, who will then negotiate a fresh collective bargaining agreement with the company.

Nigerian government abandons petrol price hike as unions mobilize

1 февраля, 2022Just as it appeared that the federal government of Nigeria and the unions, with their civil society allies, were heading for a collision course on the announced fuel price increase, the government backtracked on the eve of national protests.

Union protest results in criminal charges

28 января, 2022Police in Thailand have filed criminal charges against two union officials and four other labour activists after speaking at a protest, demanding that the Thai government and brands including Victoria’s Secret pay salaries owed to 1,388 lingerie workers.

Combatting violence and harassment at ENI

28 января, 2022This month, IndustriALL and Italian unions Filctem CGIL, Femca CISL, Uiltec UIL signed an addendum to the existing global framework agreement with energy company ENI on the provisions of ILO Convention 190 and recommendation 206 towards the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work.

Union calls for ratification of ILO Convention 176 after explosion kills 13 and destroys Ghana village

28 января, 2022A truck carrying mining explosives from Tarkwa to Chirano Gold Mines was involved in a road accident on 20 January. The impact of the crash led to an explosion that killed 13 people and injured over 50 others in the mining community of Appiatse.

Serious concerns remain about health and safety in India

28 января, 2022In 2021, the Indian manufacturing industry was beset with accidents, with an average of seven accidents reported per month, killing over 162 workers and leaving others disabled for life or badly injured. A number of accidents in the first few weeks of the new year shows that this trend is likely to continue.

Three Holcim workers killed and 8 injured in fire in Uganda

28 января, 2022Three workers died and eight were critically injured in a fire at the Hima cement plant, a subsidiary of Holcim, in Uganda on 15 January. The fire erupted during installation works on a diesel oil tank.

Finnish paper strike solid as UPM refuses to negotiate

27 января, 2022The bitter dispute at the Finnish forestry, pulp and paper company UPM threatens to drag on as the strike, which began on 1 January, has been extended until 19 February. 2,200 workers at all UPM business units are on strike, with dockers and railway workers showing solidarity by refusing to handle the company’s goods.

Morocco: workers take action for oil refinery

26 января, 2022On 18 January, around 250 workers at Samir oil refinery marched the 1,200 metres from company headquarters to the coastal road to highlight the workers’ precarious situation after the company stopped production more than six years ago due to a failed privatization deal. Workers are calling for government intervention to save the refinery and their jobs.

Union win: minimum wage hike in Jakarta

25 января, 2022The announcement of a minimum wage hike of 5.1 percent in the capital region of Jakarta for 2022 is a significant victory for Indonesian unions.

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