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Showing 591-600 из 5692 results

Social protection in action in Bangladesh

20 октября, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and the UK Local Authority Pension Fund Forum co-hosted a discussion on the recently launched Employment Injury Scheme (EIS) in Bangladesh, which covers the country’s four million garment workers.

Ship recycling: urgent action needed to ensure that all workers are safe at work!

19 октября, 2022IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe call for effective global and European regulation for safe ship recycling and trade union involvement to ensure proper health and safety measures are in place in ship recycling facilities. No worker should leave for work uncertain as to whether they can return home safe and well.

No place for violence and harassment in Indonesia’s garment industry

19 октября, 2022More than 50 trade unionists from textile and garment suppliers met on 4-5 October to discuss how to identify and eliminate violence and sexual harassment at the workplace. The meeting follows on the Zero tolerance policy Indonesian unions signed with employers earlier this year.

16-month lockout ends at Ash Grove cement plant

18 октября, 2022110 members of Unifor local 177 at Joliet Ash Grove in Quebec, Canada, have started returning to work after more than a 16-month lockout. Workers had been locked out from the plant owned by Irish cement giant CRH since May 2021 after rejecting the employer’s offers.

Human rights due diligence in Japanese supply chains

18 октября, 2022IndustriALL Global Union Japan Liaison Council (JLC) has committed to use the Guideline on respecting human rights in responsible supply chain to engage multinational companies in implementing human rights due diligence.

We mourn the killed Turkish miners

15 октября, 2022An explosion in a coal mine in Amasra, Turkey, on 14 October, has killed 41 miners. IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe are outraged and saddened by the avoidable accident and send their condolences to the families of the victims.

United and in action for a Just Future

14 октября, 2022In a webinar, IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll Europe pledged to fight the rising inequality and cost of living crisis by building trade union power and increasing union density and bargaining power. Both organisations are mobilizing this autumn.

Aviation unions welcome global agreement on net-zero carbon emissions by 2050

14 октября, 2022International and European trade unions welcome a new global agreement for net-zero carbon aviation emissions by 2050, but call for stronger commitments at country level, including on social criteria. No worker or region should be left behind, we need a Just Transition for all!

World union leaders discuss future of base metals industries

14 октября, 2022On 11 and 12 October, IndustriALL’s Base metals steering committee met online to discuss the future of the steel and aluminum industries in the face of a global crisis.

Madagascar unions demand justice for jailed trade unionist

13 октября, 2022Madagascar unions are calling upon the ministry of Justice to unconditionally release trade unionist Sento Chang who was imprisoned on false charges.

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