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Showing 5291-5300 из 5692 results

Sintracarbón in negotiations to improve conditions

6 декабря, 2012The union representing workers at the Colombian company Carbones del Cerrejón is currently negotiating to improve conditions for both permanent and outsourced workers and the whole community.

IndustriALL affiliates in Sub-Saharan Africa acting against precarious work

6 декабря, 2012The Sub-Saharan Africa arm of IndustriALL’s Precarious Work Project held its regional seminar in Accra, Ghana on 22 and 23 November 2012, affiliates participating shared experiences and successful strategies against precarious work.

Excellon’s denials debunked

5 декабря, 2012IndustriALL Global Union challenges claims by the Canadian mining company Excellon that all is well at its operations in Durango in Mexico.

Ghana must ratify mine safety convention

5 декабря, 2012The Ghana Mineworkers Union (GMWU) called for the ratification of the ILO Convention 176 on safety and health in mines, claiming the government is “mortgaging the health and safety of the mineworkers”.

Egypt steps back on workers’ rights

4 декабря, 2012Egypt’s new draft Constitution will treat workers like criminals and bring unions under tight government control as they were under the Mubarak dictatorship.

Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai India workers get solidarity message from UAW

30 ноября, 2012Last week the UAW sent solidarity messages to the Maruti Suzuki Workers’ Union (MSWU) and Hyundai Motors India Employees Union (HMIEU) in support of their struggle for genuine trade union rights.

Talks break down in Colombia

30 ноября, 2012On 24 November talks between Termotecnica Coindustrial and the Union Sindical Obrera de la Industria del Petróleo (USO) broke down in Colombia, giving way to further tensions on the ground.

Support Colombian glass workers in conflict with Owens Illinois

29 ноября, 2012Colombian glassworker union Sintravidricol is facing obstinate management negotiators in bargaining for a new collective agreement with Owens Illinois subsidiary Cristalería Peldar. Today’s meeting is unlikely to provide a positive result and the next step will be a strike ballot. Send your message to management here.

Trade union caucus pushes labour agenda at COP18

29 ноября, 2012IndustriALL is central in the work of the trade union caucus at COP18 (18th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) in Doha, Qatar, running from 26 November to 7 December.

Young Latin American and German workers attend exchange programme meeting in Brazil

29 ноября, 2012From 26-30 November, young trade union members from the textile, chemical, mining and metalworking sectors of Latin America and from IG METALL and IGBCE in Germany are attending a training course that forms part of an international trade union exchange programme for young workers who are members of IndustriALL affiliates.

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