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Showing 5281-5290 из 5692 results

Bangladesh: fire safety responsibility of government and brands

13 декабря, 2012IndustriALL calls again on the Bangladeshi government to secure the future of the country’s garment industry by doing more on guaranteeing fire safety and for brands to support this.

IndustriALL women commit to joint international work

13 декабря, 2012The Women’s Committee meeting on 11 December 2012 agreed on the need for a women’s structure within IndustriALL, as provided for in the Statutes, that meets before each Executive Committee meeting and pursues an agenda on women.

Global supply chain alliance set to build union power

13 декабря, 2012A new global alliance, covering workers across the aeronautical supply chain, has been launched in a bid to bolster union strength.

Gap between wages and profits increases

12 декабря, 2012The new ILO Global Wages Report confirms the trend of a greater share of GDP going to capital income while the proportion going to workers in the form of wages has fallen dramatically.

Palestinian shoe and leather workers go on strike

6 декабря, 2012Workers of the Malhees Company, operating in the leather and shoe industry, members of the General Union of Petrochemical Workers in Palestine declared a general strike in the city of Nablus on 3 December 2012.

Violence breaks-out in Tunisia against union

6 декабря, 2012IndustriALL Global Union joins in protests in Tunis and condemns the violent attacks on UGTT members and their head office, which left dozens injured.

Progress in cutting agency work at VW in Russia

6 декабря, 2012The Interregional Trade Union of Autoworkers (ITUA), an IndustriALL affiliate, engaged in talks with Volkswagen management in Kaluga, Russia, about the rules for transferring agency workers to permanent positions. Meanwhile, at Ford in Vsevolozhsk, Russia, ITUA local struggles through the third week of the work-to-rules strike.

Union busting at DESA in Turkey soars

6 декабря, 2012TAKE ACTION in support of members of the Leather and Shoe Workers’ Union (Deri-Is) facing systematic pressure and discrimination at DESA’s leather factories in Turkey.

Volkswagen limits precarious work globally!

6 декабря, 2012The Volkswagen Group Board of Management, the European Group Works Council and the Volkswagen World Works Council and IndustriALL signed an agreement on 30 November 2012 limiting temporary work at the plants of the Group.

Making a change for a HIV free Zambia

6 декабря, 2012IndustriALL Global Union came together with local partners to carry out a successful Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) campaign at the Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) in Zambia on World AIDS Day, 1 December 2012.

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